5 FP&A Trends That Have Defined 2023

5 FP&A Trends That Have Defined 2023

2023 has been a year defined by uncertainty. This trend is a driving force behind the decision making of FP&A teams, as they aim to create more agile and dynamic operations in the face of constant change. But uncertainty is only one FP&A trend that’s shaped the past year.

Howard Dresner, Founder and Chief Research Officer of Dresner Advisory Services, suggests there are five major FP&A trends that have defined 2023 and point to what lies ahead in 2024. In this episode, Howard dives into these trends with hosts Melissa Howatson and Tom Seegmiller.

In this Episode:

  • How to achieve efficiency goals in the face of economic uncertainty
  • The appropriate strategy for human capital investments
  • ESG reporting and planning taking on added significance
  • The importance of rolling forecasts in a volatile geopolitical climate
  • Being dynamic enough to operate given supply chain challenges
