Staying Compliant While Keeping Finance Operations Lean | Sruthi Lanka

Sruthi Lanka

Startups in highly regulated industries have to strike a tough balance — keeping operations both lean and compliant. 

Sruthi Lanka, CFO at, leans on her engineering background, as well as out-of-the-box thinking from her team, to meet both criteria. Sruthi explains why she made process efficiency a top priority for her team, and how a combination of high and low-tech solutions have created efficiencies and mitigated risk. 

Learn what it takes to fortify your organization against unforeseen risk management challenges with this in-depth look at internal controls.

Discussed in this Episode:

  • The impact of automation on internal controls and how to make time for automation when you’re resource-constrained
  • The importance of accurate and unified data across the business
  • Ensuring regulatory and data compliance when leveraging artificial intelligence (AI)
  • How smarter checks and balances and risk management can improve the quality of your business

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